The Power Of A Name

If you think about it our names are one of the only things that truly belongs to us. Yet, often in our schools names are taken from our girls by being mispronounced or flat out ignored. Every time someone refuses to pronounce a Black Girl's name correctly power is taken from her. It is crucial that we give our girls their power back and teach them how valuable they are and how special each of their names are. The Power of A Name activity is a great way to remind girls how unique their name is and that it was given to them for a reason. For this activity ask each girl to go home and do some research on their name. Research could include learning the meaning of their name and also asking their parents or grandparents why they were given their name. Some of our names are biblical, or come from people our parents cared deeply about or respected. Whatever the reason we got our name it is important that we know the story behind it. It is crucial that our girls understand how much power their names have and how unique our names make us, after all our names are one of the only things that can’t be taken away from us. Click here to grab “The Power Of My Name” activity sheet and to join my newsletter list to receive lessons straight to your inbox.


Black Girl Brilliance Book List 2021
