Episode 14: Theresa Ann Dickerson

Today, our guest is Theresa Ann Dickerson. Theresa is a research fellow studying health disparities, a recently published writer in the American Journal of Public Health, and the founder of a social impact initiative called Project Girl Undefined: Empowering Girls Through Education. Though native to Fayetteville, NC, Theresa made her way to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to attend the University of Pittsburgh on an academic scholarship. In college, Theresa studied English Writing, Spanish, and the Conceptual Foundations of Medicine. 

Theresa recently graduated with a Master of Science in Medical Physiology from  Case Western Reserve University. She is currently leading a team of students researching the impacts of social determinants of health on the success of cardiovascular surgery as well as developing a trauma-informed hospital based music education program with a team of medical and doctoral students for pediatric trauma patients in Cleveland, Ohio. 

Theresa is passionate about improving health care through narrative medicine, research in health disparities, and public health policy and advocacy. She is currently applying to medical school. Though dedicated to her school work, Theresa always finds time to pour into her community by volunteering with hospice patients and mentoring young girls and women. Listen Now

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Links Mentioned In This Episode

Project Girl Undefined (Website)

Guest Social Media Info:

Theresa Dickerson (Instagram)

Project Girl Undefined (Instagram)


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