Episode 2: Dr. Patti O’Brien-Richardson

Today, our guest is Dr. Patti O'Brien-Richardson. For over ten years, she has been the CEO and Founder of Move it Nation, Inc., a public health non-profit organization whose mission is to empower youth to move their bodies and minds, and is the author of a clean-eating book for busy professionals and students, Purge it with Patti. She is the creator of multicultural well-being programs and curriculum which has been included in several schools including the Boston Public Schools, the Newark Public Schools, and the New York City Department of Education, and is the principal director of  CurLABorative Consulting (CCG), a boutique consulting group composed of scholars, researchers, educators, and diversity and inclusion professionals who provide culturally curated professional development training and programming for schools, organizations, and businesses. Listen Now

Check out this episode and others on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Links Mentioned In This Episode 

The Crown Campaign (Website)- http://www.crowncampaign.com/

Dr. Patti (Website)- https://www.pattiobrienrichardson.com/

Guests Social Media Links

Dr. Patti (Instagram)- @iamdrpatti

Curls On The Move (Instagram)- @curlsonthemove


Episode 3: St. Clair Detrick-Jules


Episode 1: Welcome to the TeachHER Podcast